by - April 18, 2015

The city, located in eastern Algeria Constantine is only accessible by bridges, because it was built on a plateau surrounded by the valley of the "Rhumel." In this landscape of barren mountain Constantine appears as an oasis ofcivilization.

Bridge of sidi m'cidBridge of sidi rached
Bridge of Saleh bey

Constantine had fought each time because of the strategic location and economic profitability. Once installed at the time of the Carthaginians in Numidia was already significant Constantine. However, it was soon replaced by the war. The different types of powers have tried to settle here. However, none has led to the modern era, Constantine takes long term.

Numidia map
Ancient cirta

Constantine has become by this constant change of power into a true paradise on different cultural influences and attractions. Gaius Julius Caeser bequeathed Publius Sittius Nucerinus, a well-meaning allies, the entire city, which was at that time Cirta. The special status as the colony residents were granted Roman citizenship. Nevertheless, this dominance was not of long duration. The city fell into disrepair after the collapse of the Roman Empire until 312 n. Chr. Emperor Constantine the Great, who named the city thus coined, that he ordered the large-scale reconstruction. In this restoration of the city he settled as a grand house and a statue erected in his honor. The ancient ruins of Roman aqueduct has been preserved to the present day.

Romania braces-Constantine

Constantin's statue

 In addition, there are other essential points of reference on the mapConstantine like Gustave Mercier Museum, the Ben Badis mosque Ahmed Bey Palace and the old city, which is commonly called in the Algerian language Kasbah.
 Constantine is next to Algiers a fortress of education in Algeria. Pages to libraries of colleges and universities and several Islamic schools are located in the city.

Islamic University of Constantine

Palace of Ahmed Bey

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